Ep. 115 ~ Jerri Sterling, Riding the Divide and Spreading Her Husbands Ashes

We all have our own path to cycling and bikepacking and each is special and unique. However, Jerri’s introduction to bikepacking was much different than any I have heard before. Her story is tragic, sad, romantic, inspiring, and real, and it all started when she fell in love with a cyclist named Kyle.

When she met Kyle she wasn’t a cyclist, when she married Kyle she wasn’t a cyclist, and when Kyle passed away, she wasn’t a cyclist. So what lead her to take on the Tour Divide only seven months after laying her late husband to rest? The answer to that question can only be told in Jerri’s words, and they are powerful and inspiring.

I was recently introduced to Jerri Sterling through Maxwell Johnston. She was hosting a Klunker race at Spider Mountain in Texas and Maxwell went to take pictures. After the event he sent me a message and told me that he thinks I should interview her, after a brief chat, and “background check” I knew he was right. These are exactly the types of stories that I want to hear and share.

Life is hard, there is so much out of our control, we all face struggles and hardships, but it is what we do and how we do it that defines us and those experiences. These lessons are freely available to anyone who chooses to take them on. Please note, the roads aren’t always flowing singletrack with a beautiful mountain backdrop, sometimes it’s rocky, steep, and it’s raining on you, but the end result is always worth it.

Listen to this episode and then go ride your damn bike, or listen to it WHILE riding your bikes, but definitely listen. And I challenge you that the next time you face something really hard that you face it right back and you don’t back down, and I bet you find a little bad ass inside of you!


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