Ep. 165 ~ Patrick & Natalie, Ozark Rando 120

Last month Natalie and I took on the Ozark Rando 120. This is a new event by Ozark Gravel Cyclist and hosted by Experience Fayetteville.  As the name suggests, the format of this ride is a Randonneur -a non-competitive long-distance unsupported endurance cycling event. 

Ep. 163 ~ Jay Petervary, Unearthed Interupted

Ultra-endurance and bikepacking legend, Jay Petervary set out on his solo and unsupported FKT attempt of the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route which he called “Great Divide Ride Unearthed”. Over 2,000 miles into his ride he was struck by a motorist. Suffering multiple series injuries, Jay’s resilience is unwavering.

Ep. 161 ~ Phillip Crosby, aka “weston” from To Shake the Sleeping Self

Ten years ago, two friends set out on a bike trip that started in Oregon, traversed Mexico, Central America, and South America, and ended in the Patagonia region of Argentina. Jedidiah Jenkins, an aspiring author at the time, orchestrated this “spirit quest”, as he called it, after finding himself fast approaching his 30s and grappling with his … Read more

Ep. 158 ~ Payson McElveen

Payson McElveen probably needs no introduction. Among many of his achievements he is a Red Bull Athlete, 2x Marathon National Champion, 2x MidSouth Campion, and he is the host of the popular Adventure Stache Podcast.

Ep. 157 ~ McKenzie Barney, Cycling the world – Solo

Last month McKenzie Barney peddled her bike into Columbia, the last state in her Cycle the World project that started years before. In total McKenzie cycled 18,000 miles, through 28 countries and 5 continents, and most of it was solo. Her travels would take her through Africa, South America, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, and South East Asia.