Even before the Tour Divide started this year there was drama on social media. On this episode Billy Rice and I discuss some of the topics. Billy was actually at the Brush Mountain Lodge during some of the speculation, he is also a 6 time vet of the Tour Divide, and has been filmed for Inspired to Ride. Who better to add some dialogue to what I’m calling The Drama Divide.

As someone new to ultra racing…both gravel and fat tires I have no ideas why anyone would bother to question a racers motive or decisions. I race for myself, and by myself and could care less what the people sitting on the sidelines care. In a resent race I was in the veto 120k I watched a group of riders blow by me Being towed by a pickup truck…and I could have cared less….they made that decision and it had nothing to do with me. I appreciate the racers who are trying to win these events….wanting rules….but in the end the real racers follow the rules to the T, and everyone else is just doing what they can do out there.
Thanks for your podcast…awesome stuff.