Ep. 76 – Texas Hill country Route w/ Maxwell Johnston

On this episode I get a private tour of the new Texas Hill Country Overnighter with it’s creator Maxwell Johnston. This is one of only four routes listed on Bikepacking.com in Texas and two of those are in Big Bend, which is beautiful, but also very remote, requiring a 10+ hour drive from Central Texas.

Ep. 75 – Liam Glen, winner of the HT550 on a Rigid SS

On May 22nd Liam Glen lined up at the start of the Highland Trail 550 on his fully rigid single speed Stooge Cycles Scrambler against the likes of James Hayden, Josh Isbett, and others. He would go on to win with a time of 3d, 10h, 55m which was good enough to get the SS Course Record and almost enough to best the Course Record set by Neil Beltchenko in 2017 (3d, 10h, 20m).

ep. 74 – Andrew Onermaa, 2020 ARHCR Digging Deep

Like many of you I didn’t know who Andrew Onermaa was before he signed up for the 2020 Arkansas High Country Race. And if you still don’t recognize his name, maybe you’ll know him as the guy who was going toe to toe with Ted King before he ultimately went on to set an FKT. Andrew withdrew from the race around mile 700 after pushing himself further than ever before. Literally pushing his mind and body to it’s limit.

Ep. 73 – Dr. Seth Wood, from ICU to FKT

Seth Wood

I wanted to hear Seth’s story about his journey from almost losing his life in Feb. of 2013 after being ran over by a car while commuting on his bike. To then go on to set a Singlespeed FKT on the Arkansas High Country Race. The collision nearly cost him his life, but a year later he competed in the 2nd ever LandRun 100 (Now Midsouth) and he finished! All while wearing an eye patch as a visible reminder that he was still recovering from the injuries he sustained.

Ep. 72 – Route building, with Kevin From RWGPS

On this episode we get to know Kevin and some history on RWGPS and then we get into the maps! And we go deep. But, we also cover very basic topics. This episode was designed with the hope that it will be a resource for you to build your own routes, modify existing ones, or fly by the seat of your pants using heatmaps.

Ep. 71 – Ryan Stoyer, Bikerafting the Buffalo

Ryan Stoyer

When I contacted Ryan Stoyer about coming on the podcast it was with the idea that we would talk about his unique lifestyle and how it allows for him to life a more fulfilled life. I still like that topic, but Ryan had other ideas. After the official BoD instagram invite was sent, his reply was an enthusiastic yes, followed by a suggestion, “how about we go bikerafting?”. My response was equally enthusiastic and I gave no thought to the fact that I’d never been bikerafting, or had a raft, or new how to build a route, etc etc.

Ep. 70 – Rebecca Rusch, “Queen of Pain”

Rebecca Rusch ITI 350 2021

Today’s episode is with a true living legend. Rebecca Rusch has had a long and successful career spanning many different sports, but in the past 15 years has dominated the mountain bike scene, which as spilled over into bikepacking and gravel racing as well.

Ep. 69 – John Watson, owner of the Radavist

John Watson

My guest on today’s episode with John Watson is one that I’ve been looking forward to for a while. We had plans to record this one a while ago, but covid put it on pause. On my recent trip to AZ and NM I was able to meet John at his Santa Fe office where he runs The RADAVIST.

Ep. 68 – Lael Wilcox

Lael Wilcox

It’s always an extreme pleasure to sit down and chat with Lael Wilcox. Her positivity and honesty is infections as is her drive to push herself to extremes all in the name of bike racing. She’s an inspiration to so many of us in this community and I am no exception. She has been a huge source of inspiration for me as I dipped my toe into the bikepacking waters.